Maybe you’re not moving at all. Do you find yourself saying things like: “I’m tired of my house and my things,” “I want a new look,” or “I want to feel like I have a new house.” We hear these statements from homeowners all the time.
Renewing is taking what you already have in your home, and making some simple, inexpensive changes that can transform an old, tired space into something new and fresh.

By using 100% of your own “treasures” and possessions, we work to redesign a selected room, giving it a new focal point, energy and look you will love. It’s an inexpensive process that we often complete in just a few hours.

We have helped many homeowners fall in love with their home all over again. And it can be done simply and cost effectively. A plan to Renew a space can be formed around any budget, and save you thousands of dollars in remodeling costs.