For homeowners, once they put their house on the market, it is no longer theirs. It becomes a product in a pool of inventory. Listing agents have a responsibility to ensure that the owner’s “product” is the best out there.

Staging leverages a house’s best features and existing assets, and then adds necessary details, in order to showcase its potential to future buyers. Good staging shows that a house is well cared for. It says: “I’ve loved this home, and I want you to love it as well.”

The Benefits of Staging

A staged house stands out. It gets more showings. It spends fewer days on the market. It attracts multiple offers above asking price. Simply stated: good staging sells.


The agents and homeowners we work with typically experience:

  • More foot traffic at open houses
  • More online traffic and listing views
  • Multiple competing offers and sale prices over original asking price
Our Process

We work tirelessly to bring out the true character of a home, making the end result look effortless. Our process focuses on editing clutter and personal details and when necessary, adding select furniture and accent pieces, to underscore the presentation of a home. The end result allows potential buyers to imagine a house as “theirs”, seeing the warm and inviting space as a future home. Like an event planner, we oversee and orchestrate together numerous details, ensuring that everything looks the way it should, — top-notch and ready to sell.


While every home we work with has different and unique challenges, we follow a simple and effective set of steps to ensure the best results possible:

  1. Conduct a walk-through of the property
  2. Assess existing items and layout
  3. Determine a budget, what items stay, what is removed and what new items to bring in
  4. Identify other needs or assistance required (repairs, paint, finishes, etc.)
  5. Create plan of action – a room-by-room to-do list
  6. Move out, clean up and rearrange
  7. Bring in any new items
  8. Stage the house for showing
  9. Sell
  10. Celebrate!